I Was One of My Memories cover

I Was One of My Memories
by Laurie Blauner

The book is currently in stock at Elliott Bay Books.  Also available on backorder at Amazon.

To hear Laurie read from the book, click here.

Laurie reading from Solace of Monsters

“I Was One of My Memories does one of the things that I love most about the thing we call creative nonfiction: it shows us its thinking, its flawed and idiosyncratic and completely delightful thinking. It is a thinking shaped by experience, pleasure, grief, and disappointment, while the diverse forms, the small essays, little animals of the mind, might be read as recursive attempts toward sense making. I also really love Laurie Blauner’s sentences. Sometimes they are absolutely strange and otherworldly, like Clarice Lispector’s sentences (“I pry what happened before from what happens next. / Borders and countries are changes in light. / I presume nothing has a happy ending. / Something is dangling from a cloud’s mouth.”) Sometimes, as in Suzanne Buffman’s Pillow Book, the sentences are deadpan and hilarious because they are true (“My husband is patient and I am not. He has long toenails so he won’t get ingrown ones. He likes old things, including me.”) I just realized I Was One of My Memories does another thing that I love most about creative nonfiction, that is actually something I need from creative nonfiction in particular: it makes me want to write. I toggle between the manuscript and a blank page that I gradually fill with my own sentences. Which is to say I feel like I am participating with this manuscript, I feel like we, Laurie and I, or at least her persona, are having a conversation. I am deathly allergic to her cats, but, oh how I enjoy the warmth of reading them.”

--J'Lynn Chapman, Pank Contest Judge

“I love this book’s fragmented and looping storytelling, its sense of humor, and its amazing, strange, and smart sentences.”

--Caryl Pagel, author of Out of Nowhere into Nothing

“...so strange and true, structurally organic, surprising and moving.”

--Polly Buckingham, author of Expense of a View

Copyright © 2021 Laurie Blauner, all rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction by any means strictly prohibited.