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Praise for Facing the Facts
"Laurie Blauner’s fourth collection
includes fifty-seven poems, ranging from largely tranquil domestic
scenes to the stark contrast of the final section, in which she
explores the characters and situations of Frankenstein. Mary Shelley’s
horror tale seems eerily relevant to the marvels and terrors of
twenty-first-century genetic science with its talk of stem cell organ
production and human cloning.
-- Madeline DeFrees, author of Blue Dusk
"Tender and quietly assertive, Facing
the Facts starts 'in the small room of the heart' and makes that space
an arena of connection and mystery that imposes itself unforgettably on
the reader's consciousness.
-- Roger Lathbury, Orchises Press
Praise for Laurie Blauner
"I am told, in a way I want to be told, things I recognize I my own heart already. I am enthusiastic about these poems."
-- Laura Jensen, author of Bad Boats
"A highly-charged, fast-paced poetry that rides on its images. A highly visual, elliptical poetics can be seen at work."
-- Alexandra van de Kamp, editor, Terra Incognita
Sample poem from Facing the Facts
Where the Stars Disintegrate,
where a gull swallows a silent piece of sky or
a red kite conversing with a cloud fades away
to nothing was formerly called heaven. Now it is
named light, morning or dark, night or any of the
variations like the black and white words shrinking
on the optometrist’s chart that become whole and
incomprehensible under the right glass. How I wanted
to see the twists and turns in the celestial necklace
that people have viewed for centuries. To be able
to watch Orion take aim at me from the throat
of the universe. Sand heated to the correct thickness
allows me to see the sign screaming its warning,
the blond woman painted near the nose of a distant plane,
the subtitles of foreign movies where a large moon makes
sentences disappear. This morning I can name
the constellations like friends whose faults become apparent
as they are walking out your door and
as they say goodbye they are calling you someone else.
Copyright © 2004 Laurie Blauner, all rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction by any means strictly prohibited.